Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 8, 2009

Shortcuts in Linux

Keyboard shortcuts (KS) free users from switching b/w keyboard and mouse (hence improve the manipulations). Below shows some frequency KS used in Linux environment also some common apps :

0. For general
- Alt Tab switch b/w app windows
- Alt Shift Tab switch backward b/w app windows
- Esc like Esc in Windows
- Ctrl End goto End
- Ctrl Home goto Home
- Ctrl L shortcut for "Open Locator" dialog. In desktop context => "Open Locator" will use file manager (ex: Nautilus) to open a folder. In editor apps context (ex: gedit) => "Open Locator" will open a file. In GNOME Terminal => like 'clear' command. In other apps context (ex: firefox, Nautilus) => will forcus on location/address bar
- Ctrl + zoom in (only for apps support zoom)
- Ctrl - zoom out (only for apps support zoom)
- F3 find next
- Ctrl F3 find previous
- F5 refresh
- Ctrl Alt Del log out
- Ctrl Z undo
- Ctrl Shift Z redo

1. For GNOME environment

1.0. General

- Alt F1 launch applications menu (like Win key in Windows)
Alt F2 launch "Run Application" dialog => Like Win R combined-keys in Windows, but more powerful (because Run Application can be used to start many applications located on $PATH)
Ctrl Alt L lock screen
Ctrl Alt D toggle show desktop (like Win D on Windows)
Print Screen take full screen shot
Alt Print Screen take screen shot of focused window
Alt Space open the window menu (like Right-Click on the top-left window)
F10 open first menu on leftside of menubar (usually open File menu)
Ctrl Alt Tab switch focus b/w the panel and the desktop, usually useful if switch to panel and select items located on panel
Ctrl Alt Left/Right move to previous/next virtual screen
Ctrl Alt Shift Left/Right take current window to next virtual desktop
- Alt F9 minimize current window
- Alt F10 maximize current window
- Alt F5 un-maximize current window
- How to change the default: by using Keyboard Shortcuts or Gconf editor
1.0.1. Keyboard Shortcuts
Launch Keyboard Shortcuts by: Alt F1 (launch Application Menu) -> type "Keyboard Shortcuts" on search menu. Then, change the global shortcuts for GNOME environment. Below are some useful modifications for me:
- F1 Launch help browser
- Windows W (Mod4 W) Launch web browser
- Windows E (Mod4 E) Launch Nautilus file explorer to Home folder
- Windows T (Mod4 T) Launch Terminal
- F11 Toggle fullscreen
1.0.2. Gconf editor (advanced GNOME settings)
On terminal, type gconf-editor to launch GNOME configuration. Besides
used to set the GNOME keyboard shortcuts (apps -> metacity -> global_keybindings), it also set application setting in GNOME, default web browser, etc.

1.1. GNOME Teminal
Ctrl L clear console (like 'clear' command)
- Shift Ctrl T (Ctrl Shift T) open new tab
- Shift Ctrl W
(Ctrl Shift W) close current tab
Ctrl PageUp/PageDown switch b/w tabs
- Shift Ctrl C (or Ctrl Insert) copy selected text
- Shift Ctrl V (or Shift Insert)pasted selected text
- Ctrl + increase size
- Ctrl - decrease size
- Ctrl 0 default size

1.2. Nautilus
Ctrl N open new Nautilus file explorer
Ctrl Shift N create new folder
Ctrl H toggle show/hide hidden files/folders
Ctrl L focus on location/address bar
Alt Home goto Home folder
Alt Enter open file/folder Properties dialog
F9 toggle left-side-panel
- Ctrl T open new tab
- Ctrl W close current tab
- Ctrl PageUp select previous tab
- Ctrl PageDown select next tab

2. For KDE environment

2.0. General

Alt F2 execute command
Ctrl B add bookmark
Ctrl Esc list of running apps
Ctrl W close
Alt F1 popup KDE launch menu
Alt F3 window open menu
Ctrl Insert insert text

- How to change the default

3. For specific applications

3.1. Firefox

Ctrl T new tab
Ctrl W close tab
- Ctrl Shift T undo close tab
- Ctrl PageUp/PageDown switch b/w tabs
- Ctrl N new window
- Alt F4 close window
Ctrl L focus on location/address bar
- Ctrl K focus on search bar
Ctrl B open bookmark
- Ctrl D bookmark (via Delicious)
- Backspace back navigation (like Back button)
- Shift backspace forward navigation (like Forward button)
- F5 refresh
- Ctrl F5 refresh override cache
- Esc stop loading page
- F6 switch b/w window frames. It is useful in switching back to main frame (which contains web page) from location/address/search bar
- F7 toggle from mouse browsing and
caret browsing. Caret browsing allow us to select text/link via keyboard
- Ctrl I show page infor
- Ctrl U show page source
- Ctrl + zoom in
- Ctrl - zoom out
- Ctrl 0 zoom to default
- Ctrl F find
- F3 find next
- Shift F3 find previous
- ' only find hyper-link in web page
- Alt Home (only used if search-bar focused) open current web page in another tab
- F11 toggle full screen mode
- Ctrl Shift Y open download dialog
- Ctrl Shift P toggle private browsing
- Ctrl Shift Delele open "Clear Recent History" dialog
- Ctrl Shift J open Error Console
- Ctrl Left (only used if a tab focused) move a tab left

- Ctrl Right (only used if a tab focused) move a tab right
- Ctrl Home (only used if a tab focused) move a tab to beginning
- Ctrl End (only used if a tab focused) move a tab to end

3.2. SCIM
Shift Space trigger SCMI mode (switch b/w US keyboard and Telex mode, etc ...) when we are in textbox, textfield.
Ctrl Space same as Shift Space, but should avoid in Eclipse (for auto completion)

3.3. Krusader
- Ctrl W close current tab
- Shift Left move to previous tab
- Shift Right move to next tab
- Ctrl PageUp goto parent folder
- Ctrl S search
- Ctrl . toggle display hidden folder
- F2 open terminal
- F3 view file
- F4 edit file
- F5 copy
- F6 move
- F7 make dir
- F9 rename
- And should change the default keyboard shortcuts (Settings -> Configure shortcuts) as below
+ Ctrl T duplicate current tab

3.4. Banshee

To be continued ...

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